Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Design * Furniture

Highlighting headoverheels

I came across Redzlina's footstools by chance as part of what I do for my interior design business is sourcing for locally made furniture and their suppliers. So, while reading a blog on furniture, I saw these retro, colorful and fun footstools and I immediately fell in love!

They come in different sizes from small, rectangular ones to large round footstools. She also does mini ottomans and floor loungers. For now, she doesn't have a shop but you can email her here to find out more details on these adorable and very reasonably priced footstools. It's well worth the purchase plus you support a local designer!


  1. Oh lovely!!! Thanks babe...will get in touch with her...this so go with my mish mash of a living area!!

  2. No problemo! Hope you find something you like :)

  3. OMG... LOVE it! I really do think she's awesome!


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