Monday, February 14, 2011

It's LiebeLove Online!

* Welcome * Selamat Datang * Fáilte * Wilkommen *

Firstly, i'd like to wish you a very Happy Valentines Day! Or as my friend Lynette says, Happy Single People Awareness Day! <--- Truly awesome!

Anyway, if you are as passionate about art, design, food, DIY as I am, then you are in the right place! I decided to do this blog simply because as a writer, a mother, a wife, and coming from a rather creative family, I felt the need for a space to share the things I love (Don't worry, I wont be putting up pictures of my son all the time).

So get your creative juices flowing, take out those pots and pans, breath in and fall in love with all things beautiful! This is LiebeLove.


  1. hello from weekendiminlove. i think we are in the same boat.
    "if you are as passionate about art, design, food, DIY as I am"... :D

  2. Hi a.j! Yes we are on the same boat. Just checked out your blog, loves it! :)


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